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About Scruffy

AKC 3.4 lb Teacup Yorkie

Scruffy Chewbacca is an AKC registered 3.4 lb Teacup Yorkie. He makes BEAUTIFUL PUPPIES!

He has a heart winning, cautious, darling, sweet, and loving personality. I have never known a dog with as wonderful and sweet of a personality as Scruffy has. HE RARELY BARKS. Instead of barking, to get my attention he stands in front of me and stares at me until I notice that he wants something. He never pesters, but just waits patiently.

Scruffy is an excellent stud. He doesn’t waste time, is very persistent, and gets the job done. He is a proven stud. Scruffy hasn’t met a female dog yet that doesn’t love him. His meek personality really gains their trust.

Scruffy’s fur is straight and silky, grows slowly and requires very little grooming. He will not fade to silver or gold but will stay a rich black color. He has an adorable short snout and petite features that are so cute on a yorkie. He also has short legs that give the appearance of a very tiny dog.

Stud fee includes a second try if your female does not become pregnant or has a single puppy litter. I have worked with a lot of first time breeders.

Text is best. I’m free evenings and weekends. AI is available.

Yorkshire Terrier