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About Finnigan

Finnigan was born on the very Valentine’s Day. He will be approx 14 lbs and will be ready to go home April, 10th.

His proud parents are Mesa and Blaze. Mesa is an F1 mini Goldendoodle. She weighs 22 lb. Her mother is an English cream retriever from championship bloodlines. She’s extremely sweet natured really good tempered and is people oriented. Daddy Blaze is 100% poodle AKC registered. He weighs 6 and 1/2 lb. He is the sweetest little poodle.


How to adopt this puppy

STEP 1: See Puppy

It’s very important to see the puppy before you decide to add this cutie to your family. We will always show you more puppies so you can make a wise choice.

STEP 2: Reserve

Once you pick which puppy you want, then all you have to do is to make a deposit to reserve your puppy. We DO NOT take the puppy off the market without a deposit fee.

STEP 3: Pick up

As soon as you reserve your puppy we will start arranging for you to bring him/her home. We deliver to Las Vegas and area for free or to other states for a fee.