Louisa is a female mini Goldendoodle. She was born in July/16 and we estimate that she will weigh about 16-17lbs as an adult. Her parents are Sophie our 21lb AKC registered mini poodle and Koda our F-1B Goldendoodle from championship bloodlines. He weights 17lbs.
About Louisa
How to adopt this puppy
STEP 1: See Puppy
It’s very important to see the puppy before you decide to add this cutie to your family. We will
always show you more puppies so you can make a wise choice.
STEP 2: Reserve
Once you pick which puppy you want, then all you have to do is to make a deposit to reserve your
puppy. We DO NOT take the puppy off the market without a deposit fee.
STEP 3: Pick up
As soon as you reserve your puppy we will start arranging for you to bring him/her home. We deliver
to Las Vegas and area for free or to other states for a fee.