Breed Maltipoo Gender Male
Winston is our teacup Maltipoo, he's only 2.5. He has a very sweet and fun disposition. Winston is a F2B maltipoo.
Breed Mini Bernedoodle Gender Female
Nova is a 24 lb micro mini Bernedoodle.
Breed Goldendoodle Gender Male
Koda is our F-1B Goldendoodle from championship bloodlines. He weighs 17 lb.
Breed Goldendoodle Gender Female
Mesa is an F1 mini Goldendoodle. She weighs 22 lb. Her mother is an English cream retriever from championship bloodlines. She’s extremely sweet natured really good tempered and is people oriented.
Breed English Cream Goldendoodle Gender Female
Sundance is our 22 lb F-1B mini English cream golden-doodle.
Breed Maltipoo Gender Female
Yelena is a Maltipoo, 3/4 poodle and 1/4 Maltese. She weighs 8 lb.
Breed Maltipoo Gender Female
Cici is 3/4 poodle and a quarter Maltese. She weighs 7 lb.
Breed Maltipoo Gender Female
Poppy is a red F-1B (75/25) maltipoo weighing 11 lbs.
Breed Shipoo Gender Female
Hazel is 8 lb. She is a Shih Tzu poodle 50% Shih Tzu 50% poodle.
Breed Maltipoo Gender Male
Hawkeye is a Maltipoo 50% poodle 50% Maltese 100% genetic clear. He weighs 7 lb.
Breed Poodle Gender Female
Natalia is 28 lb AKC registered red abstract poodle with 100% clear genetics. She has an exceptional personality. She's very calm and obedient and very human-oriented and attentive.
Breed Goldendoodle Gender Female